
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2024

Beautifull place

 Hi everyone: I´m gonna tell you the most beautifull place I visited in the last year 2023, Frutillar. 🍁  (The lake theatre) The location of Frutillar is  in southern  Chile , Chilean Patagonia, in  Llanquihue Province , within the  Los Lagos Region , the lake district. I traveled to this place the 2023 for a job travel (arqueology) to chiloe with my boyfriend, we decided going to Frutillar in our free time (was a aventure with Tabanos 😠). When we arrived to "Frutillar bajo", inmediatly ate something after 2 hours or more from Chacao. Later, we walked aroud the lake to wacth the houses (aleman architectury) and visit "the lake theatre". continue...

Activity - "A piece of technology"

Hi again 👽: This time I´m gonna tell you about the technology that i used every day and how help me in my work of the university, how: proyects, edition of videos, pictures and desing graphic pieces. 😎 I always used computers to play and paint when i was young (8 years old) and always was a desktop. But, since I recieve my first laptob  🙊 my world change. I discorvered a world where a computer was comfortable, easy to use and small compared to the grey big box.  Today, I´m still using laptobs but of better cuality than before. Thhis Laptob is so fast and its a  gaming laptop, so I can process all the programs of I want, like: Photoshop, illustrator, Rhino (3D program), steam and play videogames of hight quality. Continue, the good points of this laptob is the programs and quality, but to other side 😓 the batery is always a problem. "Battery low" each hour in the screen when you take off the cable changer.