
The last goodbye

Hi comunity: Today is the last blogg you will going to read from my side (for now, who will know 😏).  So, I´m gonna to tell you the "RANCKING TOP OF BLOgG". In the first place, the blogg I enjoyed writing was "A place to eat" , just one word: the food 😭 and I´m want to go to it because a don´t eat anything and I get up to the 7:30 am :) The second, the post I last enjoyned tell or write was "Review to the british council" because i dont like to review professional webs, I prefer to write about something that i like. The numer three, the post I liked to read going to "A televisor programme you remember from your childhood", I like 

Childhood program

Hi community: In this chance, we going to talk about my chilhood, specifically  "the TV programs" I ususally wached before going to the school. 🏡🚶 Name: Art Attack Channel: Disney (2000 - 2008)                                                                             Chapter of Art Attack Art Attack was a Tv program for children, in there  (Continue....)

Activity - "A Place to eat"

Today is a diferentt day: Actually, I´m writing this post in my boyfriend´s house and we star to talk about our favourite food and places to go to eat, for example: Insert coin 🎮 (Manuel Montt station), Watanabe street 🍡(Universidad Católica station) and Ramen Ryoma 🍜(Los leones station). Soooo, after to think in this theme, I´m going to describe what´s my favourite place to eat in a normal day. Magikoffe , an themed cafe about anime and japanese food near of the metro station "Bellas Artes" and Ismael Valdés Vergara street. I usually go to when I have free time or some of money, that´s means one time each two or one months and I always (now i think) go with someone like my boyfriend, mom or friends. It´s a cheap place to go in a casual day to work or hang out. You can find thematic food (sugary or salad) about anime like "Doraemoon Latte" and anime decoration like Sailor Moon and Attack on Titan. The reason why I like this cafeteria is because is quite, have de

British council

Hi everywone, today (for the activity in class) I´m going to review the webside propiety of British council: "Conditionals zero, first and second". Website :  learn english british council The website explain how is correct to use the conditionals, Example: If you freeze water, it becomes solid. If it rains tomorrow, I'll take the car. If I lived closer to the cinema, I would go more often. Going to the  critique,  t he good points I liked is the easy explicaction and the posibility of practique with excersices in the same blog. In my personal opinion, I learn more easy with examples of the theme what are talking to my. (continue...)

Activity - "The last weekend"

  Hi everybody: Desafortunally 😓, today I´m going to tell you what I did the last weekend but...I´m not do so much. All the week (including the weekend) I stay in my home to work in my proyect of the university ALL THE DAY (10:00am - 3:00am). Ihave to do a editorial desing proyect, like a book or a Fanzine but was hard. This "homework" was to the wesneday 29 and I was so late because i was sick two weekes ago. I realized a Fanzine why was the most easy for that moment. The theme of that zine is "The music and my anxiety", the objetive is show my favourite music to calm down my anxiety in moment of most hight. Music list: - "Gone, Gone, Gone" - Phillip Phillips - "Amadeus" - Family and Friends - "For Forever" - Dear evan hansen - "Concerning Hobbits" - The lord of the rings -  "The last goodbye" - The hobbit - "Back to you" - Twin forks - "Sentimentality (The Garden)" - Dennis Svennebäck - "S

Beautifull place

 Hi everyone: I´m gonna tell you the most beautifull place I visited in the last year 2023, Frutillar. 🍁  (The lake theatre) The location of Frutillar is  in southern  Chile , Chilean Patagonia, in  Llanquihue Province , within the  Los Lagos Region , the lake district. I traveled to this place the 2023 for a job travel (arqueology) to chiloe with my boyfriend, we decided going to Frutillar in our free time (was a aventure with Tabanos 😠). When we arrived to "Frutillar bajo", inmediatly ate something after 2 hours or more from Chacao. Later, we walked aroud the lake to wacth the houses (aleman architectury) and visit "the lake theatre". continue...

Activity - "A piece of technology"

Hi again 👽: This time I´m gonna tell you about the technology that i used every day and how help me in my work of the university, how: proyects, edition of videos, pictures and desing graphic pieces. 😎 I always used computers to play and paint when i was young (8 years old) and always was a desktop. But, since I recieve my first laptob  🙊 my world change. I discorvered a world where a computer was comfortable, easy to use and small compared to the grey big box.  Today, I´m still using laptobs but of better cuality than before. Thhis Laptob is so fast and its a  gaming laptop, so I can process all the programs of I want, like: Photoshop, illustrator, Rhino (3D program), steam and play videogames of hight quality. Continue, the good points of this laptob is the programs and quality, but to other side 😓 the batery is always a problem. "Battery low" each hour in the screen when you take off the cable changer.